5 Key Business Benefits of Email Marketing

In the age of social media, influencers, and viral advertising, email marketing might feel old-fashioned. However, the importance of email for modern businesses can’t be overstated. Marketing. Sherpa reports that 91% of adults subscribe to promotional messages, so email is an unbeatable way to engage with a wide audience. Here are five ways that email marketing can work for you:

1. Powerful Segmentation:

Email marketing is highly effective for targeting specific audiences. You can segment your email list to reach customers based on factors like previous purchases, location, and shopping frequency, boosting conversion by showing your audience only the most relevant content.

2. Integrated Marketing:

A well-developed marketing email exposes your customers to other brand-building channels, like a blog or social media accounts. These cross-channel marketing opportunities encourage customers to connect with you on multiple levels, strengthening your brand image.

3. Robust Metrics:

Some channels, like print marketing and social media, can be frustratingly opaque when it comes to data. Email marketing provides a wealth of metrics to help you understand customer interactions, from open and click-through rates to conversion and unsubscribes.

4. Flexible Testing:

With advanced email management tools, you can test competing strategies to gain quantifiable data, which can be leveraged to improve email performance and ROI. Use A/B tests to compare subject lines, creative content, and even different types of deals side-by-side, thus learning what resonates with customers.

5. Streamlined Automation:

Automation tools can be used to create drip campaigns, so you can send emails on a consistent schedule or after a customer interacts with your site. This technique establishes high-quality customer touchpoints without overtaxing your marketing team. You can send promotional messages when customers haven’t visited your site in a while, abandoned cart emails to nudge shoppers close to checkout, or requests for product reviews to create valuable SEO content.

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